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外资公司 ??| ?少于50人 ??| ?印刷/包装 ?贸易/进出口


品墨包装技术(上海)有限公司成立于2013年,是台湾富迪集团设立于上海的一家销售技术服务公司,公司专注于销售和生产前期开发工作,如结构设计,平面设计,色彩管理, 印前文件制作等等。集团旗下有苏州、东莞、台湾3家印刷厂,为品牌客户提供全方位的包装供应链管理服务,其中包括包装印刷方案、优良品质的包装产品以及完善的包装产品后续跟踪数据。公司服务于多家外资知名快消品牌。
以“更有效地帮助品牌客户开发和生产包装产品”作为公司使命,品墨包装技术(上海)有限公司拥有国内外行业内领先的色彩数据化技术和高质量的专家团队。公司员工均来自知名外资企业,具有多年包装行业经验。基于自身由G7和Ugra PSO专家及高职业素养员工组成的团队,以及在包装产品开发上的经验和智慧,不断吸取国内外先进包装印刷技术和工艺,依靠先进的包装生产管理理念和技术,推进和普及标准化在生产过程中的应用, 构建专业化和标准化的质量管理和控制系统, 为品牌客户提供长期质量稳定的包装产品。更以包装印刷产品色彩的精准度、稳定性居行业领先水平,以及“精良、可靠、专业”生产精神和服务信念,深得品牌客户信任。

Company profile

PM Packaging Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. was established in 2013 by Taiwan Fudy Group as a technological sales and service company, dedicated to sales and the whole packaging and manufacturing process at the initial stage of production, including layout design, graphic design, colour management and pre-press production. With three printing factories in Suzhou, Dongguan and Taiwan under the same Group, we provide a comprehensive packaging supply chain management service to our prestigious clients, including packaging and printing solutions, high-quality packaging products and tracking data for packaging products. Our clients include a number of renowned foreign invested FMCG brands.

With ‘better efficiency in helping clients produce and manufacture packaging products’ as our corporate mission, we boast world-leading color digitalization technology and an expert team. Our employees are all from renowned foreign invested enterprises and are highly experienced in the packaging industry. We rely on our team of G7 and Ugra PSO certified experts and highly professional staff, as well as our experience and wisdom in product packaging, and keep learning cutting-edge packaging and printing technology from both home and abroad. Leveraging our state-of-the-art packaging management and control system, we are dedicated to promoting standardized process of production and providing consistently high-quality packaging products to our prestigious clients. With colour accuracy and consistency ahead of the entire industry and the belief in ‘quality, reliability and professionalism’ in our production and service, we are a highly trusted brand by our esteemed clients.

With our comprehensive expert service, we have gained tremendous trust and recognition from a number of renowned clients around the globe. Standing firmly on technological innovation, we stick to strict quality management, keep improving our service and have received booming business! We have also widely participated in workshops to share experience with the industry. We not only provide our clients with tangible packaging products, but also host workshops with many of our esteemed clients on packaging technology both regularly and on an ad hoc basis, exposing our clients to the most updated information of the industry and helping our peer printing factories improve their color management procedure and obtain G7 certification. By contributing to the standardization of the packaging and printing industry, we are working towards our ultimate goal of bringing benefit to our clients!

We provide competitive salaries (including base salary, PRP and 13-month annual salary), flexible office hours, excellent professional training and learning opportunities, abundant benefits (birthday parties, travelling, annual parties, festival benefits, fruits, career training, etc.) and a pleasant working environment to our staff. As we are located at the renowned Changfeng Business Circle, it is easy to commute by underground and gives easy access to lunch. Talents with fluent English and a commitment to working in the packaging industry are warmly welcome to join us!


PM Packaging Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. is located on Zhongjiang Road, Putuo District and is adjacent to Changfeng Park and Shanghai International Sourcing Promotion Center with easy transportation.
Address: Room 1302, No. 12, Lane 118, Zhongjiang Road, Putuo District, Shanghai.


Please be kindly reminded of the following:
1) Please read carefully the job specifications above before submitting your CV. Please do not apply if you do not meet the job requirements.
2) Please email your CV to carol.cai@pmpackaging.com.cn
3) Please bring your ID card, degree certifications and other relevant original certificates with you to the interview. Genuine certificates are required.
4) Transportation information: It takes only several minutes by taxi or shared bicycle once you get off at Daduhe Road by Line 13 or at Loushanguan Road by Line 2.公司地址:普陀区中江路118弄22号402室 (邮编:200062)

更新时间:2021年2月26日 11:14


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