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  Draper Tools started out in 1919 when the founder, Bert Draper, sold government surplus and tools around the Kingston Upon Thames' markets. This led to the purchase of the original warehouse, from which the Draper Tool Company Limited as we know it today was born, although at this time it was known as B. Draper & Son Limited and owned the trademark B.D.S. Although Drapers sold its own brand as early as this time, it was also a quality Engineers Merchant and Tool Wholesaler, selling brands well known today, such as, Britool, King Dick, Elliott Lucas, etc.
  Bert Draper Passed away in 1963 and control of the Company passed to his son Norman. With the increased business and cramped conditions at Kingston, Norman purchased the freehold rights to the current premises in Chandler's Ford, Hampshire at auction in 1963. Norman pushed the business forward dramatically and developed the 'Draper' brand as we know it today, by importing quality tools from all around the World. He also established 'exclusive' relationships on a family to family basis, with such Companies as Elora and Knipex, which still exist today.
  Norman died in 1994 and the Company is now run by his son, John. His wife Joan, who passed away in 1999, produced, almost single-handedly, the Company's first type-written catalogue in 1953. This level of family involvement would be rare in any other company of this size in the UK... But then Draper Tools is no 'other company!'
  John took over the reins in 1992 with the task of taking the company into the new century. Draper Tools continues to thrive on a mixture of inward investment, active support for the independent stockist, striving for operational efficiency and all underpinned by the golden rule since 1919 - Guaranteed Quality. The current premises in Chandler's Ford have been added to considerably since its purchase and has now reached a size of 535,000 sq.ft. It is now probably the largest stock of tools in one place in the UK.

本公司是一家英国在中国上海的分公司,成立于2009年,本公司主要从事进口手工具、园林工具和电动工具等的批发与销售。英国公司于1919年成立,至今已经有90多年的历史,是英国***的工具商之一,在英国有非常好的声誉,为大型家族型企业。现因贸易业务的扩大,诚邀有志人士加盟。 了解更多相关信息请查看本公司网站:******************* .公司地址:上海闵行罗阳路168号E幢三楼 (邮编:201104)

更新时间:2021年2月25日 18:29


网友:绷带长颈鹿︿ 发表时间:2021年2月25日 13:59


网友:冰轮霜天 发表时间:2021年2月25日 12:31


网友:T*安全帽。 发表时间:2021年2月25日 21:60










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